Photography for Personal Use
Photography for personal use is permitted in all museum galleries and exhibits. Certain traveling exhibits may have photographic restrictions, which will be posted in the gallery.
The use of a flash or artificial light is prohibited, and the use of tripods requires museum permission. Obtaining permission before visiting the museum is encouraged. Requests should be addressed to
Photography for Research Use
Research photography of collections can be arranged under certain conditions.
Please visit Conducting Research at McClung for more information.
Photography for Commercial Use
Professional photography or filming in museum areas may be permitted for a fee and by arrangement with a minimum of two weeks’ notice.
Similarly, permission is required to use images of museum objects for commercial purposes.
See Rights & Reproductions for fee schedules and more information.
Photography for Press/Media
Images of exhibits and museum objects are available to members of the press. However, photography and filming by media (TV, magazines, etc.) in the museum requires permission. See Connect for more information.