McClung Pilots “Archaeology in a Box” Program
This summer, Associate Curator of Paleoethnobotany, Kandi Hollenbach, led a field school through the Department of Anthropology at UT’s Cherokee […]
Archaeomagnetism Provides Dates For The Toqua Site
by Lynne P. Sullivan, McClung Museum, University of Tennessee Archaeologists use both absolute and relative dating methods to find out […]
Tennessee’s First Crops: Research in Paleoethnobotany
by Gary D. Crites, Research Assistant Professor, Director of Paleoethnobotany* at the McClung Museum of Natural History & Culture * […]
The Kimberly-Clark Site and Site 40LD207, Occasional Paper No. 8
The Kimberly-Clark Site and Site 40LD207, 1982. Out of Print.
The Archaeological Collections at the McClung Museum, Occasional Paper No. 7
A detailed description for researchers of the archaeological collections at the McClung Museum, including the history of the collection, sites covered, photographic […]
Tellico Archaeology: 12,000 Years of Native American History, Occasional Paper No. 5
A comprehensive overview of the Indian Prehistory and history of East Tennessee. Written for the lay reader, the book is […]
The American Indian in Tennessee: An Archaeological Perspective, Occasional Paper No. 3
An overview of the prehistoric Indians of Tennessee, with information about clothing, customs, shelter, and cultural practices as well as […]
Archaeology: Early Cultures and Their Technology, Occasional Paper No. 1
Archaeology: Early Cultures and Their Technology, by Elaine Altman Evans, McClung Research Occasional Paper, No. 1, Knoxville, TN: McClung Museum, 1981. Out of print.