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McClung Student Advisory Board

Review the Constitution (Updated Spring 2024).

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Board Members

Karissa Sanders
McKenzie Rider
Clarissa Trent
Lauren Scanlon
Anastacia Managan
Audra Spencer
Carley Baldwin
Emma Hensley
Samuel Walden
Brittney Rupert
Finn Wheeler
Harley Diamond
Bella Thomas-Wilson
Kennedy Steele
Alli Rumbaugh
Cameron Campbell
Olivia Platt
Kate Wolf

Executive Board

head shot of person against black background Annie Platillero
(any pronouns)
Chair of the Board

person standing on pathway between trees

Zoe Bear
(she/ her)
Vice Chair of the Board

smiling person at stone hedge

Sarah Grace Cook
(she/ her)
Outreach Chair
smiling person with red hair and glasses Emily Tiepelman
(she/ her)
Finance Chair
smiling person in yellow giving a high five Eddie Didsbury
(they/ them)
Advancement & Development Chair
Woman looking over her shoulder and smiling Gabrielle Puckett
(she/ her)
Events Chair
Advisor: Katy Malone (she/her)
Manager of Education & Community Engagement |

Anastacia Managan, Clarissa Trent, Gabby Puckett, & Sean Burke pose for a tintype by photographer, Kelsey Dillow, during a program for the Fall 2023 temporary exhibition, In Conversation: Will Wilson.