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Dinosaur Discoveries Exhibition

Dinosaur Discoveries: Ancient Fossils, New Ideas

Dates: June 4, 2016–August 28, 2016

This exhibition showcases the world of modern paleontology, introducing a dynamic vision of dinosaurs and the scientists who study them.

New discoveries and technologies reveal how dinosaurs lived, moved and behaved. Find out how advanced technologies allow scientists to look at fossils in fresh ways. Examine realistic models and casts, and see dinosaurs walk, run and move their long necks in fantastic computer simulations.

Organized by the American Museum of Natural History, New York, in collaboration with California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, The Field Museum, Chicago, Houston Museum of Natural Science, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh. Presented by the Nick & Fran Newell Museum Fund, Raoul and Marie L. Verhagen Museum Fund, First Tennessee Foundation, the Keller Group and Bacon & Co.

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